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A Word About GPS Tracking

It would be a great thing if you could just tracker your spouse to find out where they are going, or your ex, or even your child to find out where they are going when you are not around. Not so fast…. You may be hurting your case more than helping it. Judges HATE when parents tracker kids in custody cases. Let me repeat, Judges HATE when parents tracker kids in custody cases. Simply put- don't do it, it's not worth the risk.

In most cases, it is legal for you to install a GPS tracker on a vehicle that you have ownership in. If you are uncertain whether your name is on the title and/or registration, a check with the Department of Motor Vehicles will be able to answer that question, or a due diligence background check should be able to confirm.

Lighthouse Investigations and Litigation Support has extensive experience and a range of equipment that can be deployed for covert GPS Tracking. GPS tracking equipment is expensive to own and maintain, but can prove to be an incredibly valuable tool in obtaining important evidence. GPS trackers are very accurate and combined with active surveillance, putting eyes on and obtaining undeniable evidence can be the deciding factor in custody cases, proving infidelity, or worker's compensations claims.

Lighthouse Investigations and Litigation Support will only use GPS trackers when the proper GPS Tracking Agreement is signed by the registered owner of the vehicle to be tracked.

Call our Licensed Professional Investigation Case Specialist, Julee at 512.650.2720 for a free initial consultation today.